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Beginning Again, with 4iP

Nearly fifteen years I read am article on Tom Paine in the first edition of Wired UK magazine. It changed my life.


Jon Katz's inspirational feature gave me the confidence - the belief - to walk away from a cosy career building bridges, and aspire instead to build a better future using 1s and 0s rather than concrete and steel.

Tomorrow, after a tortuous period of gardening leave, I start at Channel 4 where I'll be heading up their new 4iP fund along with the likes of the mercurial Ewan McIntosh.

The point of 4iP ? To reinvent Public Service Media for the 21st Century.

Have no poverty of ambition, as a wise man once advised me...

I can't wait to get started.

Comments (6)

Bloody hell! I remember that cover! I feel old now.

Welcome aboard Tom.

Still building bridges, albeit of a different kind.

Do something amazing! Good Luck!

Wired feature link need an "l" on the ".htm"


In my small way I'm trying to keep the Paine plan alive over http://commonplatform.co.uk which is a sort of semi-official record of the BBC's efforts to open up to the world... Good luck Tom!

Tom. Fascinating. Can you give me a yell? Need to talk please.

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