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May 2006 Archives

May 3, 2006

Yet Another Experimental BBC Programme Data API

They're arriving like buses, now.

Last week saw the release of an experimental API to the BBC Programme Catalogue.

Today sees the gentle launch of a tasty-looking API from those fine people at BBC R&D. This one lets you query BBC 7 day TV & Radio Schedule data from a variety of angles.

It comes in rich TVAnytime and also a simpler XML flavour for those of you who don't need full fat metadata.

May 15, 2006


"The secret to success is to make everything one-button easy, then get out of the way."

Amen to that.

About May 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Tomski.com - Tom Loosemore's Blog in May 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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August 2006 is the next archive.

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