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Stumbled on this while writing a speech about media literacy

No, I don't know what "media literacy" means, either. Or at least where it starts and where it stops. It's one of those horrible phrases which get banded around with little care for precision in meaning. This will be the gist of my spiel in Glasgow on Monday. But while pondering why such confusion, I remembered a talk I recorded this time last year for Radio 3 about how openness was fundamental to the Internet's success, both in terms of code and culture.

It's the Internet's essential openness which confuses those who've more used to forms of media whose boundaries could be clearly discerned and thus labeled, if not policed. In the 21st century, media literacy means teaching people the skills to navigate without a map, let alone roadsigns.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 8, 2008 2:24 PM.

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