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Seven Tips on How to Run a Successful Community

Hot on the heels of Cory's "troll whisperers" insight comes a fantastic list of Seven tips to help run a successful community, courtesy of Matt Haughey's tasty-looking fortuito.us blog (duly rss'd - thanks Lloyd).

My fave is tip No.2:

2. Talk like a human, not a robot If you elect to take your own personal emotions out of major moderation decisions, you of course run the risk of going too far. No one wants to follow a community run by a passionless robot.

Cory makes a plea for developers of community software to observe the softer skills of the troll whisperer before turning their hand to new code. Matt duly supplies some of said subtle soft stuff. All good.

Matt's tip chimes well with BBC Web Principle No.6: Adopt a relaxed, conversational tone.

There's a fine 'I trump your weasly web principle No.6 with my pithy top tip No.2' gag in there somewhere, but I'm tired, and being rained on in Hungary, so no joy.


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