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Hackday Europe. On my doorstep. At bloody last.


Yahoo! has kindly agreed to share their Hackday Europe with BBC Backstage. Super well done to Tom and Ian Matt for making this thing fly. Much respect.

It's over the weekend of June 16th/17th at Alexandra Palace in North London. Which is good, since Ally Pally is my back garden. My shower will be available for rental on Sunday morning.

Sign up quick, since I'll bet the 500 free places go in a jiffy,

Comments (3)

I wish I could take all the credit, but really my role is relatively small - I've been sorting out the speakers. There are an enormous number of other people making this happen from both organisations, booking and maintaining the venue, getting wifi sorted out, sorting out the entertainment, handling all the organisational aspects like food and all kinds of things. I have the easy job frankly. Hopefully some of the other people involved will make themselves known in short order.

Will there be an API for your shower? ;)

Jim Pennington:

Will there be a message of support to Gary McKinnon - the local hacking hero? - before he gets extradited to Amerika with the collusion of poodle Blair?


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