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From BBC to PSP

In September I'll be leaving the BBC to join OFCOM, where I'll be leading its thinking on the strategic and policy issues raised by the converging digital media environment.

One of my areas of focus will be developing ideas for a new Public Service Publisher (PSP).

In essence, the PSP concept is for a public institution to be charged with delivering public value solely via interactive media, rather than via broadcast.

The idea was first mooted during OFCOM's first review of public service broadcasting back in 2004. It has developed considerably since then, notably via a discussion document and associated creative vision published in January 2007.

I have always felt that networked media, and particularly the Internet, is capable of delivering incredible value - both private and public - with incredible efficiency. Now that a generation is growing up with the Internet at the centre of their lives, that case grows ever stronger.

I've had six amazing years at the BBC. I've worked with some incredible people. I've done much of which I'm proud. I've made some dreadful mistakes. I know I'll miss it hugely.

But the chance to shape ideas as visionary and as transformative as the PSP are all too rare. It was not an opportunity I was ever going to miss.

Southwark Bridge ahoy!

Comments (15)


Yay! Congratulations. Can't think of a better man for the job.


Jemima Kiss:

Very exciting. Massive luck with it all...


we *really* need to have that lunch now, then...


Exciting stuff, very best of luck to you!

Brilliant news old chap. Absolutely fucking brilliant news. You'll have much more opportunity to do good there.

nick s:

Yippee-ki-yay, mate. Fingers crossed that the stars align for good stuff to be allowed to happen.


do i smell or something? see you after work, in the market porter...

It's 'One in, One out' innit, Mr Jones. Union rules, and all that.

But yeah, Market Porter it is, then.

Great news ! Bravo, Tom. Best of luck.

Wow - sounds like a pretty good move. Certainly a pretty exciting move. Look forward to hearing how it goes - and what you're up to!


all the best in your new position, i'm sure you are the right man for this job as you know what is needed in a world of converging digital media.


Congratulations Tom, that is excellent news, I look forward to seeing what comes of the PSP.

What a great challenge and opportunity - have a great time and do let us know how you get on.

Congrats! It's a great job - an interesting concept but one which needs some real development and further conceptualising. I can see why it appealed - oh and the view of the Thames isn't bad either, even if you have to share it with Jeremy Olivier!

Go do something great!

Kudos and have fun!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 26, 2007 3:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Quechup all over face.

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