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Blogging as tool for public consultation...

I've spent much of the past 6 months immersed in the whys and wherefors of Public Service Broadcasting.

This morning Ofcom - my employer - published the review's first phase.

I'm glad to say that we've managed to hack up a web version of the review's Exec Summary. This let's you link to and comment on each paragraph, as well as follow links to supporting evidence.

It might work, it might not. Either way, it's a cheap way to explore new ways to broaden access to a public consultation. It's an idea I tried and failed to get the BBC to go for at the time of the publication of Building Public Value, the BBC's Charter Review manifesto published in 2004. Times change, in a good way.

More traditionally, we also just launched a PSB Review blog so we can join the conversation across the wider web about the future of public service broadcasting in the uK.

With a fair wind, I might even get the CEO to post...

Comments (1)

He, I emailed Michael Grade when he was back on the board to suggest publishing the annual reports etc in this format, seeing as I had done it before for the UK ID cards consultation.

One email back from 'his office' saying it was interesting and they may get back to me and then the silence of tumbleweed.

I started thinking about doing it myself, but there are only so many hours in a day that I can give over to doing work for the Beeb.

I still think there is a lot of work that can be done in examining using blogs and wikis for consultation and discussion between orgs. like the BBC and the audience, but someone has to spend the money to do it.

I am helping Design Against Crime put up a consultation on a bike parking standards document they are working on, but that is small compared to a government or a BBC document.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2008 12:24 PM.

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